
What is a Digital Leader?

The Digital Leader initiative is a pupil led project facilitated by the ICT co-ordinator or another member of staff.
Digital leaders are pupils who are skilled in using technology and are able to share their expertise with others. Digital Leaders are committed to their role and are confident and passionate about passing on their knowledge to others. They are independent thinkers and problem solvers.
The Digital Leader role can vary from school to school but in many cases pupils will:
Provide invaluable support to the ICT coordinator in school.
Become experts in the use of iPads, advocating their use to enhance lessons and supporting staff to do so.
Run an after school / lunch time club for other pupils.
Be e-Safety ambassadors. 
Trial new equipment.
Provide feedback and give advice to Governors.
Help to look after ICT equipment.
Promote the use of key resources such as School360.
Provide support in lessons to peers and teachers.
Contribute to staff meetings. 
Create guides and help documents for staff and pupils.
Share these resources using a school blog.